We are taught not to believe in things that cannot be seen with our eyes or explained .. we are taught to not believe in things not technically scientific. Anymore we are taught or programmed not to be believers in things we cant see with our eyes or what we cant physically touch.. but what about BELIEF IN GOD.. people have never seen god but people BELIEVE IN GOD and even have experienced god, ? according to national geographic magazine 77% of americans believe aliens have been in contact with earth ,74-82% of americans believe in god, so belief in god and aliens have about same number of believers.. while 42% believe that a love one can still be with us. or give us signs.(I'm 42%) when I talk about losing my son matthew and tell them I only can cope or make it threw the day is because of the signs I get from him daily.. or the dreams or visions ive gotten from him.. things I may share later.
Thought I was alone, seeing what ive seen and experienced. but what ive found out is when people hear me open up or share my experiences, they open up THEY LOSE THEIR FEAR !!! even the people I thought would look at me like I had two heads.. telling me about dreams they had or letters found years later after someone passed to hearing THER mom dad sibling friend daughter or SON talking to them as they woke up from sleep ..feeling them near them or goosebumps when their name is said... are these just imagined ..NO
So looked up dreams and visions on Wikipedia it says A dream is a experience during sleep..a vision is a supernatural experience that conveys a revelation..
So why are people so much in disbelief that of our loved cannot show us they aren't far away.. well ill tell you cause of fear ! We fear what we cannot understand or comprehend . so lets think about that statement.. we fear what we don't understand or comprehend... so lets think about love or being in love ..do you believe in love???...can we see it? NO touch it? NO does anyone understand love? heck NO ..
but what we do know is you can experience love. .we can experience god ..we can experience peoples spirit.
love is what we all strive for .. no matter religion race beliefs we all yearn for love... why is that ? cause everything is perishable EXCEPT LOVE god is eternal GOD IS LOVE LOVE=GOD God is energy. a preacher quoted THE BIBLE SAYS HEAVEN IS AT HAND.. said heaven is all around us its at our fingertips but we cannot see cause lack of faith . human nature is about proving it.. I believe babies or very young children can see glimmers of heaven. .because of innocence and no fear they trust, but learn fear and distrust
love is what we all strive for .. no matter religion race beliefs we all yearn for love... why is that ? cause everything is perishable EXCEPT LOVE god is eternal GOD IS LOVE LOVE=GOD God is energy. a preacher quoted THE BIBLE SAYS HEAVEN IS AT HAND.. said heaven is all around us its at our fingertips but we cannot see cause lack of faith . human nature is about proving it.. I believe babies or very young children can see glimmers of heaven. .because of innocence and no fear they trust, but learn fear and distrust
heaven is here and LOVE HAS NO BOUNDRIES... so when we need help god never said death was the end .he always talked about LOVE .even unbelievers believe jesus walked the earth and was a great teacher, of course they don't believe the biblical side of him... I believe the bible and jesus died for us to teach us..... so why the resurrection? think there maybe something else he was teaching us people may not have thought about... after his crucifixion he walked the earth, he appeared to his disciples and his family .. so believe and trust that when signs appear ,the dreams, the voice you heard in the morning .when your asleep or waking up or meditating , don't put a wall up ... dont say or think "I thought I heard" or your "dream seemed so real" the truth is your love one was probly checking in on you ..or with you .. it was real,. when your open, to opening your heart and your soul.. things will come cause you don't fight or fear it...((soul only knows love)your mind created fear)
me for one, I trust and know how much I love my son and mom . and know they are with me and I know this,, cant not believe something that you know is proven to yourself.
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