so what I have learned over the last year ...
I know my emotion have been up and down mostly down truth be told ! but things out of nowhere lift me up.. I started this blog to show hope to others , and maybe a different way of thinking or to show people they are not going crazy even if people think you are or maybe you think you yourself am I going a little nuts cause of what you see, hear, experience. if someone you are close to passes that's NOT the end , they are all around us but maybe in a different time place than we ourselves are in. .maybe or just what we cannot physically see or hear. But they are always around Their soul or their energy always remain. you don't believe in things you cant see or hear?? are you reading this using wifi your data on your awesome Samsung galaxy or your iPhone your laptop at starbucks , or your computer? You are ! if ya said no ,then you are crazy, lol cause you are reading this. hows that wifi and your data feel or look like? what you can not feel or see wifi? ok my point taken :) our loved ones give us signs ,I see them ,you will see them, if you don't dismiss them, there are always gonna be things you cant explain but it just happens. like you put 2 socks in the dryer and poof! 1 comes out explain that :) but seriously literally as I sit here typing this ,I got a signs . 2 caterpillars just land on me . you say "so what does that have to do with anything" ALOT I don't dismiss this so I think a caterpillar represents the promise of a new life.. transformation their on a path of sacred transition. caterpillar symbolism teaches the sacred lesson of having complete and total faith in something you cannot see ,, the caterpillar awaiting to be a butterfly.. does a caterpillar imagine or know what it will become? That it will become a beautiful wing creature with wings with a array of colors and beauty for all who gaze at it.. maybe! everything evolves..
Years ago I would say omg how can you believe in this stuff or I would say that persons is really reaching. that's because I never took the time nor lost someone so close to see and experience things I cant really explain but I'm gonna try,, things happen all the time I share every time I get a chance . some give me a look I used to give cause they never experienced loss or just dismiss it, they don't see those things ,, fact= you cant see something right in front of you if you have your eyes closed ., while others who have shared with me ,BUT they cant talk about things for fear of rejection and or , ridicule ! at a grief group , I said to myself I will not dismiss what ive experienced and experience some need to know I believe in them ..and I ask them to share with me cause I know things happen. people have shared great signs from a loved on who passed while tears running down their faces , I was 1st one they shared with. so I share one of my many signs.. so a question was asked who has had this happen to them , within 15 seconds all hands raised with a look of shock but mostly the looks of relief ! , one person said, you all too and noticed things, they cant explain.
The one thing everyone had was smiles on their faces when their hand all came up/.. SO ITS TIME I START SHARING FOR ONES WHO ARE AFRAID, SO THEY KNOW THEY ARENT ALONE. some may be reading this and may wanna shake their head that's fine there is other reading material.. for the ones that SAY THATS SCARY. well you might not get signs or anything, cause when its a loved one they wanna connect but not if it gonna frighten you.. people who get them , look for them, I love everyone one big or small. it shows they are always together and they give us guidance little whispers in our ears that we think are our own but its them guiding us till we join them ,, I will never lose my connection with my son cause I always love, believe and have FAITH in him here and he is right by my side me hence exists
thanks for reading add our blog to your favorites on your phone,laptop,computer,or your memory cause ive got some things to share, if other wanna share also and will copy and paste your stories minus your personal contact info..
love ya matthew
I know my emotion have been up and down mostly down truth be told ! but things out of nowhere lift me up.. I started this blog to show hope to others , and maybe a different way of thinking or to show people they are not going crazy even if people think you are or maybe you think you yourself am I going a little nuts cause of what you see, hear, experience. if someone you are close to passes that's NOT the end , they are all around us but maybe in a different time place than we ourselves are in. .maybe or just what we cannot physically see or hear. But they are always around Their soul or their energy always remain. you don't believe in things you cant see or hear?? are you reading this using wifi your data on your awesome Samsung galaxy or your iPhone your laptop at starbucks , or your computer? You are ! if ya said no ,then you are crazy, lol cause you are reading this. hows that wifi and your data feel or look like? what you can not feel or see wifi? ok my point taken :) our loved ones give us signs ,I see them ,you will see them, if you don't dismiss them, there are always gonna be things you cant explain but it just happens. like you put 2 socks in the dryer and poof! 1 comes out explain that :) but seriously literally as I sit here typing this ,I got a signs . 2 caterpillars just land on me . you say "so what does that have to do with anything" ALOT I don't dismiss this so I think a caterpillar represents the promise of a new life.. transformation their on a path of sacred transition. caterpillar symbolism teaches the sacred lesson of having complete and total faith in something you cannot see ,, the caterpillar awaiting to be a butterfly.. does a caterpillar imagine or know what it will become? That it will become a beautiful wing creature with wings with a array of colors and beauty for all who gaze at it.. maybe! everything evolves..
Years ago I would say omg how can you believe in this stuff or I would say that persons is really reaching. that's because I never took the time nor lost someone so close to see and experience things I cant really explain but I'm gonna try,, things happen all the time I share every time I get a chance . some give me a look I used to give cause they never experienced loss or just dismiss it, they don't see those things ,, fact= you cant see something right in front of you if you have your eyes closed ., while others who have shared with me ,BUT they cant talk about things for fear of rejection and or , ridicule ! at a grief group , I said to myself I will not dismiss what ive experienced and experience some need to know I believe in them ..and I ask them to share with me cause I know things happen. people have shared great signs from a loved on who passed while tears running down their faces , I was 1st one they shared with. so I share one of my many signs.. so a question was asked who has had this happen to them , within 15 seconds all hands raised with a look of shock but mostly the looks of relief ! , one person said, you all too and noticed things, they cant explain.
The one thing everyone had was smiles on their faces when their hand all came up/.. SO ITS TIME I START SHARING FOR ONES WHO ARE AFRAID, SO THEY KNOW THEY ARENT ALONE. some may be reading this and may wanna shake their head that's fine there is other reading material.. for the ones that SAY THATS SCARY. well you might not get signs or anything, cause when its a loved one they wanna connect but not if it gonna frighten you.. people who get them , look for them, I love everyone one big or small. it shows they are always together and they give us guidance little whispers in our ears that we think are our own but its them guiding us till we join them ,, I will never lose my connection with my son cause I always love, believe and have FAITH in him here and he is right by my side me hence exists
thanks for reading add our blog to your favorites on your phone,laptop,computer,or your memory cause ive got some things to share, if other wanna share also and will copy and paste your stories minus your personal contact info..
love ya matthew
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