religion and faith
religion is not what people think it is . religion creates disagreements fights and even wars.. when people get caught up in religion they lose what they are trying to gain to get close to god (god or whoever they look to live for) in reality there is one god call him what you will its the same person just labeled differently...GOD HAS NO RELIGION . RELIGION is rules regulations ceremonies rituals developed by men
now faith.... definition of faith =based on spirituality apprehension rather than proof , or in doctrines of religion. strong belief in god.. churches preach live by faith, yet don't believe in things that aren't in their doctrines, or specifically written in the bible or their teachings,so wheres the faith I believe most peoples faith needs to be challenged , on maybe reading the bible with different eyes.. somethings I believe are for us to figure things out and it didn't have to be written out or explained.. that's where next thing is about
spirituality. now I always thought a spiritual person was like a hippy wearing flip flops and robe but a spiritual person really will focus on the spiritual world for personal growth ,meaningful activity your soul trying to connect with god(higher power for some) ... so when you search for your spirituality things will change religion will fade your faith will be proven and your soul will be one with god ...and get the experience that the soul was intended to receive .
now faith.... definition of faith =based on spirituality apprehension rather than proof , or in doctrines of religion. strong belief in god.. churches preach live by faith, yet don't believe in things that aren't in their doctrines, or specifically written in the bible or their teachings,so wheres the faith I believe most peoples faith needs to be challenged , on maybe reading the bible with different eyes.. somethings I believe are for us to figure things out and it didn't have to be written out or explained.. that's where next thing is about
spirituality. now I always thought a spiritual person was like a hippy wearing flip flops and robe but a spiritual person really will focus on the spiritual world for personal growth ,meaningful activity your soul trying to connect with god(higher power for some) ... so when you search for your spirituality things will change religion will fade your faith will be proven and your soul will be one with god ...and get the experience that the soul was intended to receive .
yes I'm going some where with all these first few blogs .. on what ive seen experienced and discovered, but need to be in order...
thanks for reading and don't forget to follow
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