
   Lifting others while you are down, can actually help yourself up. ok your telling yourself that makes no sense , hear me out  this week I met a lady at spring grove cemetery. sometimes I get this feeling, or this voice that directs me to say or do something for a person..(I hear ya matthew)
Sunday while returning a vase cause I had a extra one I saw this lady, she didn't look at me or anything but I felt her aura or energy  if you will. it was fading, this happens when your sad or upset.. or even in a negative thought. but I could see her grief. 
    I saw a younger man there earlier, and I was compelled to tell her peoples been there before she got there.  people don't realize doing this really helps  a grieving person!  I have  been there many times wishing someone would come.or a person would stop and talk ask me about my mom or my son.
  we began to talk a bit and she said well you wont believe me but .........I knew where this was going.   she said my daughter called and was telling me her son (this womans grandbaby) was telling their uncle all about his lil dinosaur,, and her daughter had a dream visitation recently. and how proud she was of her daughter teaching her 4 year old , a person never leaves just is around in a different way but a person can still talk to them and they hear everything, and if you pay attention or listen your get a answer, well I'm a firm believer in signs dreams etc , I have had those, among other things..  she started sharing her story about it, her aura energy or her light whatever you wanna call it . was expanding getting energized , it went from a glow to a lighthouse spotlight. as was mine . we shared signs from loved ones and how  universe(god)  all ways has what a person needs sometimes. and sometimes you need it from some ones soul or spirit.,  she thanked me for coming over even though at first she told me she was hoping I wouldn't see her tears and being emotional  , as I got closer, but while we shared our amazing signs we receive from loved ones , we both shared some tears, breaking our barriers . she gave me a huge hug, two complete strangers sharing stories and  showing love, this is what the world needs, I could tell she had a huge heart her love poured out.   We raised each others energy for our souls ,  so if you listen and pay attention you can hear your guidance from spirit, god or even your own soul.   trust in the lil voice cause someone or even yourself may need it more than anyone knows..  this is what   and is all about     ... speak listen hear...    charge the soul


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