love deeper in the light

in the shadows.
    I walk in the shadows.
        i live in the shadows.
 the shadow of my formal self.
 i have changed.
 is that good or bad..
 i once read when you have lost someone
        a person will learn to love a little more deeper.
 we have more compasion for people .
 we learn to forgive more of others.
 we look at nature like its new everyday.
 like watching a deer grazing in a field
        or squirrel playing in the trees.
 we see all the little things.
 the bird flying in such elegance.
 the smiles on strangers enjoying maybe just a cup of coffee.
 we feel like we wanna give love ..cause we just want to feel something.
 sadly we are sometimes are looked at like a we have a  disease.. or something they fear.
        we also see and feel the most sometimes the things that haunt ourselves.
        we see more hate and strife from one person to the next.
 we see the fear in people . cause we have lost our fear or we  have alot of fear.
 we feel when someone is being hurt . cause we know pain.
yet we try to shield pain from other.
we see people being neglected. cause we have seen people turn the other way.
leaving us to do grief on our own, yet we extend our hand when they are having a bad day.
we feel a persons sadness when they lose someone. cause we have. we know it hurts.
we feel others anxiety. sometime we are asking ourselves what next what else can we lose.
we   are desperately searching ..far and wide
we see the broken the poor. we  know broken we feel  a piece is missing.
 so is that the case of opening statement.. do we  love people deeper.. id have to say yes to a point
 no one sees or feels our pain  that is truely felt, they see the outer physical part maybe,
 but nobody can see inside us.. living in the shadows of our formal selve..
 the times we can stand outside our shadow is when we look to help others ,when we get  too share memories
  when we get to talk about them our loved ones without judgements not getting the look we get after a few weeks after funeral. of get over it already..
people don't understand why we still talk about our loved ones months maybe years later, cause they think a person should move on. truth is loved ones never leave us in spirit.
 so yes we maybe love a lil deeper than most, but we also feel the most ,
 so how i personally try to do is just listen be there and give what i can , try to give a positive outlook
 to people cause I know what hell is, Ive  been to hell , I know hell very well. still spend time there on occasion .. I could give directions . and though i dont know what heaven beholds .. I have   seen  heaven with my eyes I have experienced bits here and there . helping others, loving people  is our way of feeling and experiencing the place our loved ones are heaven .. cause what never goes away .we experience eternal love .. So when i or others reach out to help or wanna share talk or relive memories ask for more. we wanna see and feel the light. we learn to cope with grief , we don't get over it.. we just have  experience on breathing another day..
 we also  wanna be the light share the light, as   is all about....  save share follow my blog   ive seen and heard how its help a lot of people  ..thanks for reading .. love you matthew
