our journeys are not the same

So I been looking for answers for over a year.. I try and try to see what is going on in this life..what is it what are we doing  what is it about.. why does stuff happen...
   So I knew I was going on a soul journey. because really all we are  is a soul, in a human form ..I  knew this would be difficult and lonely. I found to be true  people who believe others ways  or the old way I did, will turn away from me as they have done to other  people.. instead of seeing where I am or was  heading.. churches I went too, as most, others your soppose to separate yourself from people that aren't believing and living same as they do.. which if a person is familiar with the bible the greatest teacher jesus , didn't stick to that rule. he went and talked and did things the church said was a no no...because he followed god  his soul..to written or unwritten rule people follow these days.. He went to people on the outside .. As I starting thinking for myself and not what people preachers friends and family think or believe .I opened my heart to experiencing new ideas thoughts beliefs.. It has opened up a new world for me, some think I'm anti Christian anti religion anti realistic lol...
   far from truth, I believe alot what I was taught  my life was somewhat good but realized that what they don't understand  was told it is bad ......god don't work that way, Ive been told , he can and will only do this way or that way, like this and like that... hope didn't lose ya ;).  people give god this much power (><><><>) while giving the other guy(our ego) they talk about this much(><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>) or more...
Why is that..  cause human nature... ITS EASY BEING NEGATIVE... HARD  BEING POSITIVE..   if anyone knows me, that is the true me ...I can turn negative in half a second while trying to be positive takes work..  like its so simple to be in the in crowd, join the popular crowd all going in the same direction. while I'm  taking my own journey if people wanna walk with me that's so awesome , and when they decide to take a different way, believe or look at other options.AWESOME .I found no one should judge or criticize ones journey ,   that's their journey, not ours , we are all here to learn and see what we are soppose to achieve in our life time . but this cannot be done, by not exploring, searching, going into different directions few travel..i would never ever ever believe where, I'm going , what I would discovered , searching or answers . I encourage others not be closed minded cause most habits rules regulations  beliefs  was pushed into ones head growing up .. god universe don't limit itself!   why do we?????    there are so many things unknown or things we cant understand how things work sometimes .. when there is god , angels, spirit and guides clearing a unknown path, there are many  paths to go ,but if we don't do our own thing and listen we discover nothing...,,,,,   not all those who wander are lost ....  finding my path guidedbymatthewgordondavis@blogspot.com         also my email is im424car@hotmail.com if wanting to contact...
