ask to receive

matthew 7;7   ask and it will be given to youseek and you will find.  knock
, and it will be opened for you

           matthew7;8      for everyone who asks receives... he who seeks finds..

           matthew 9;29  according to your faith ,let it be done for you

notice matthew 7;7 like 11;9  about same verse... ask

few weeks back at a grief to peace meeting .was sharing with a lady.. about my daily signs and
communication,  its a place we can feel safe to share , cause some even you reading this believe
we are imagining or stretching our imaginations..   or maybe a sigh of relief that more people experience this...
  she was telling me her husband of I believe 20 years passed away and has seen no signs,, then said well I did get one , but no other , I asked her how many times did she ask? she said I asked oncebut was afraid to ask again.. it scared her ,, the look she had was like a epiphany..aka a light bulb moment lol..  she said I only really asked once,,, I also said theres your sign.. she laughed said funny thing is on radio there was preacher talking , name of sermon was   name it and claim it.... there are no coincidences... just like me being at spring grove cemetery and going to meeting just to say hi to host of greif to peace. and she asked can I stay cause I strengthen them   still puzzled on that one.. cause I'm as lost as most but look for the light.. I couldn't make it threw the day unless I have my visits signs and phenomenons  ..    so in closing ask believe and have faith and all things will come to pass..

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