you want honesty? whats in my head!

One of the hardest parts of grief is that people cannot understand ,maybe if they have lost someone the same relationship.. NOONE can understand losing a child . even people who have lost a child .  Your thinking why not?  They also lost a child .   I promise you  they wont  100% understand your grief. your sadness . your whys .  losing a child  in a miscarriage is horrible, it is not the same .a person cannot relate . but one thing is the same .Is your never ever soppose  to  do in life is out live your children.. reason noone one will ever understand even person who lost a child .  Is because a parent dont even understand what life is soppose to be .  lifes about your kids your grandkids.   some like me who only had 1 child will never have grandchildren.. Trust me it effects them.. we all grow old and a person looks forward to retirement. most people will say so i can spend more time with my grandkids or great grandkids..  So here is some ongoing questions theres alot but ill do 10.
1) I ask alot what do i do in life now?
2) Whats my purpose ? is there one?
3) why cant people just show up .  friends family cant miss 1 soccer game.a party?etc.. specially on childs birthday or day they passed?  oh thats more important.
4)What can i do to experience my child still?
5)Does anyone understand?
6)Do people try to understand?
7)Am i just a burden.people just wanna move on .  ?
8)Where is everyone ?
9)Do i just give up?
10) is life worth living?

  I know some are like hardcore there ..   this blog is what i do to express those feelings .. I know its just a blog on my grief .  some dont like it but it has helped people .  these are everyday i mean everyday questions ..
 I was gonna answer those questions above but honestly, i cant, i dont have those answers.  not 1 of them .
   Every day i get up. not for myself but for others .. but most importantly to keep my son matthews memories alive.. Most days my body aches from exhaustion from doing it . Even though i hear the comments . the explanations of why people are to busy.  I need to do this and that.. why cant i just do this or move on..  why do people feel need to do this ?
 anyone who knows me .
. I ask 2 things:

1) if you say your going be there or do something do it... if your gonna be there at such a day or time do it...  cause questions 3,5,7.and specially 8,9,10 hit hard

2) most of all will you help me keep  matthew present,,  memories are great, i cherish them . we all say till i see you again.. but as a parent . remember  a persons child just like your here.. Matthew is my PAST ,PRESENT, and yes FUTURE.   i still wanna make memories....Hes with me everyday and shows me. I share some but def not all..

Thanks for reading .. comment  if you like ..Please share on fb twitter or send someone thats going threw this their questions are not just theirs.   email if you like
